1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
1) Elizabeth pertany a la família TUDOR?
2) Ella havia de ser reina d'Anglaterra?
3) A qui succeix?
4) La pel·licula reflecteix o evidencia un greu conflicte religios. Quin?
5) Quants anys regnarà Elisabeth i com serà el seu regnat a Anglaterra?
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?`
No, her sister supposed queen of Englan, but her died
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria, her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film has reflect the wars of religions, for catolics and protestans.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elisabeth queen 40 years , and her leadership has fair.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
No,her sister suposed queen of Englan, but her died.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria's her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film presents wars the religions
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Her 44 years on the throne provided valuable stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
No, her sister supposed queen of Englan, but her died
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria, her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film has reflect the wars of religions, for catolics and protestans.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elisabeth queen 40 years , and her leadership has fair.
1)Yes, she does.
2)No, she doesn't.
4)Conflict Catolic.
5)her 44 years on the throne provided valuable stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity
Answer the following questions about the film "Elizabeth" in a comment.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty? Yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England? No, her sister suposed queen of England
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria's her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film presents wars the religions
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style? Her 44 years on the trone provided valuable stability for the Kindom and helped forge a sense of national identy.
Ainara Farre Ricou
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?`
No, her sister supposed queen of Englan, but her died
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria, her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film has reflect the wars of religions, for catolics and protestans.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elisabeth queen 40 years , and her leadership has fair.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?`
No,her sister suposed queen of Englan, but her died.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria, her sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film has reflect the wars of religions, for catolics and protestans.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Her 44 years on the throne provided valuable stability for the kingdom and helped forge a sense of national identity
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
She does Tudor.
6) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
No, her sister supposed queen of Englan, but her died.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Maria, her sister.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film has reflect the wars of religions, for catolics and protestans.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elisabeth queen 40 years , and her leadership has fair.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
-Yes,she does
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
-No, she wasen't
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
-she succeed her sister Mara
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
-The comflit inthe film is the "protestantisme"
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
-Elisabeth leadeship for 45 years
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
No, she wasn't.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
She succeed her sister maria.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The conflict in the film is "the protestantism in england".
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
She was Queen of England for fourty-five years. Her leadership style was autority and compassive person.Sometimes she was a indecisive ruler. Elizabeth is, however, a charismatic performer and a dogged survivor.
Answer the following questions about the film "Elizabeth" in a comment.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
*Yes she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
*No she wasn't, to be Queen of England.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
*His will, however, was set aside, and in 1558 Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister, the Catholic Mary, during whose reign she had been imprisoned for nearly a year on suspicion of supporting Protestant rebels.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
*I think the film presents a religious conflict because Elizabeth therefore sought a Protestant solution that would not offend Catholics too greatly.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
*She was Queen of england to fourty-five years.
Her leadership style is was autority and passive.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the -Tudor dynasty?
yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
-no, she wasen't
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
she succeed her sister Maria.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
-the film present a religius conflict, the protestantism english.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
-Elisabeth was Queen for 45 years.and her leadership has fair.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elsiabeth is very incompasi and very protestant.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, Elisabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
Her sister was supposed queen of England, but when she was died Elisabeth became the queen of England.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Her sister, Maria.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film reflect the diferents religons (catolics and protestans).
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elisabeth queen 45 years.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty? Yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England? No, she doesn't
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?Their succed Maria sister
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?Yes, of an English Protestant church
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style? 45years,their reign its dangerous
Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
1-yes she dose
2-no she dasen't
3-succeed his sister
4-if the protestantism and the diferets religious varians
5-elisabeth reigns 45 years,their reign was dangerous and plenum of traps
angel marques aguilar
Answer the following questions about the film "Elizabeth" in a comment.
1) Does Elizabeth belong to the Tudor dynasty?
Yes, she does.
2) Was Elizabeth supposed to be Queen of England?
No, she wasn't to be Queen of England.
3) Who did Elizabeth succeed?
Elizabeth succeeded her half-sister, the Catholic Mary.
4) The film presents a religious conflict, can you comment on this?
The film reflect the war of catholics and protestants.
5) How many years was Elizabeth Queen and what was her leadership style?
Elizabeth Queen will reign for 45 years, and her leadership style will seriously and dictatorial.
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