The movie's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai") at the age of 12 who is the only living child in the line of the tribe's chiefly succession because of the death of her twin brother and mother during childbirth. By tradition, the leader should be the first-born son — a direct patrilineal descendant of Paikea, the Whale Rider — he who rode atop a whale from Hawaiki. However, Pai is female and technically cannot inherit the leadership.
From Wikipedia
I like this film, becouse is very interesting becouse the girl she can do th e lider becouse is a gorl? Grandfather of Paikea not acept Paikea.
Paikae is a good girl, and muy scene favarite is when shire ride de whale.
The film is good...
Farre Ainara
1. Can you describe the baby´s appearance when he is born?
I like the film, becouse is very interesting and the peapel they are gentilmen..
2.Why does Benjamin´s father not want him?
Becouse you no likes the fas..
3. Can you describe Benjamin´s life in the old people´s home?
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